Shotokan Karate Junior Black Belt Club, City Island, NY. 2 years training, 7yr 11mo year old student. From the R & S family of City Island, NY. August 1, 2015
“When my son first started going to karate at ki martial arts, 3 years ago, he was very uncoordinated. He couldn’t even run properly. We were worried that he wasn’t going to be good in any sports. A couple of months after he started doing karate, we noticed an amazing improvement. He became a lot stronger, faster, and he was having fun. Now, besides karate he plays baseball in the spring, tennis, golf, track and field in the summer , and basketball in the fall. He is always one of the best in whatever sport he does. I truly believe it’s because he got a good start in ki martial arts. He also learned the confidence to be able to stand up for himself instead of just taking the abuse from other kids. This year we’ll be starting a new class in ki martial arts, Krav Maga for kids. My son is very excited.”